‘Cause everyone likes to swing

Many of us adults are driven to meet our sensory needs and naturally create our own sensory diets.
Holiday Gifting Ideas 2019

We put together a list of some of our favorite games and activities for our 2019 holiday gift ideas. We separated them into general categories but most games and activities address multiple skill areas. 1-3 years old Fine motor Games Mr. Potato Head Melissa & Doug Classic Peg Puzzle – Fish Colors Mix ‘n Match […]
You’re on a diet? NO, I’m on a “Sensory Diet”

When hearing the word “diet”, as a society, we immediately associate the word with eating healthier or limiting our intake of certain foods and beverages. For parents, when the term “sensory diet” is first introduced, a variety of questions of confusion and curiosity may come into play. Have no fear- this type of diet has […]
Motor Planning and Projected Action Sequences

Motor planning is used to learn new things until those activities become skills and do not require planning anymore.
There is so much more to writing than holding a pencil!

Foundational skills are often overlooked when talking about handwriting. Neat, legible handwriting does not come overnight. There are many prerequisites that need to be acquired before a child’s handwriting performance can improve. In order to build a solid foundation for handwriting, a developmental progression of hand functioning and hand skills must be reached. We all […]
Welcome Spring!

Although it has been a relatively mild winter, I am so excited Spring is here! Longer days, open windows, being outdoors, and gardening are just a few of the things I am looking forward to. Spring is such a great time to get the kids outside and in nature. For our sensory seekers we have […]
Many aspects of development are strongly influenced by oral functions and respiration, including sensory integration. When children do not have adequate respiration they may fatigue quickly as their muscles are not getting enough oxygen. They may also have difficulty with self regulation and encouraging deep breathing can help to calm a child. As a result, including […]
‘Tis the Season!

The holidays are fast approaching and although this is a time for family, memories, joy and giving, it can also be a time of stress for children and their families, especially when sensory processing difficulties come into play. The lights, carols, sounds of bells, Christmas trees, smells of pine and peppermint, Santa and his Elves […]
Fall Activities

Fall is here! When the air starts to feel cool and crisp and the streets become filled with colorful leaves, many people take advantage of this beautiful season by participating in Autumn-themed activities such as pumpkin-carving and apple-picking. This time of the year is filled with plenty of outdoor festivals, pumpkin farms, apple orchards, and […]
Happy Halloween

Fall is a time of the year that many people seem to look forward to and enjoy. This season is filled with the anticipation of changing leaves, apple and pumpkin picking, and of course all of the events surrounding and leading up to Halloween. Although the traditional preparation and activities involved with Halloween may be […]