Fine Motor Activities for SUMMER

Summer is here! Overcome the summer slide and create fun learning experiences for kids by incorporating sensory and fine motor play. I listed a few of my favorite summer activities that I have incorporated into my OT sessions.

Ice painting

Materials: Ice tray, Water, Food coloring, Toothpicks or popsicle sticks

1) Fill ice cube tray with water and add 2 drops of food coloring and mix

2) Add toothpick or popsicle stick to icecube try

3) Freeze for about 4 to 6 hours or overnight

4) Pull on the sticks to remove from the tray

5) Lay old newspaper down on the table before you paint, as food coloring will stain or bring the activity outside

6) Hold the wooden sticks to paint with and slide the ice on paper

Skills: sensory-motor, fine motor coordination/strength, graded force, visual motor, bilateral coordination

Paper towel tie dye

Materials: Paper towel, Markers, Rubber bands (optional) squirt bottle (optional)

1. Start by folding the paper into triangles or squares ( the more you fold the more patterns will appear)

2. Next secure paper towel with an elastic or clothes pin. You may want to fold the paper towel twice or three times depending on the size of your paper towel.

3. Use markers to color both sides of the paper towel ( use more than 1 color to create a tie dye effect)

4. Use a water dropper (substitutions – spray bottle or drip water with your fingers) to lightly add water to the front and back of the paper towel. You will see the colors mix

5. Take the elastic or clothes pin off carefully and open your tie dye art and let it dry!

Spray bottle painting

Materials: Paint brushes, Watercolor paint, Spray bottle, Water, Paper

1. Paint on the piece of paper (use multiple colors)

2. Fill water in spray bottle

3. Hang paper vertically or lay it on the ground and spray! Watch the colors blend!

Skills: sensory-motor, fine motor coordination/ strength, visual motor, bilateral coordination, grading force

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Written by Vanessa Fiorelli, COTA