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Treatment for Dyspraxia
in Massapequa & East Northport, NY

Children with dyspraxia encounter difficulties in coordinating and planning their movements, which impacts their ability to perform daily tasks. From challenges in fine and gross motor skills to struggles with organization and planning, dyspraxia can present unique hurdles. Sensational Development specializes in pediatric occupational and sensory integration therapy designed to address these challenges so your child can enjoy more independence and confidence in daily life. Keep reading to learn more about what dyspraxia is, how it can affect your child, and how pediatric therapy can help. 

What Is Dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia, also called Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), is a neurological condition that affects a child’s ability to plan and execute fine and gross movements. The word dyspraxia comes from the Greek words dus- meaning “difficult,” and praxis meaning “action.” As the name suggests, this condition makes it difficult for children to perform daily actions like self-feeding, getting dressed, or walking without bumping into things. 

What Causes Dyspraxia?

The exact cause of dyspraxia is not fully understood, but it is believed to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Possible contributors include:

Genetic Factors

There may be a genetic predisposition, as dyspraxia often runs in families.

Brain Development

Differences in brain development, particularly in areas responsible for motor planning and coordination.

Preterm Birth

Premature birth or low birth weight may increase the risk of developing dyspraxia.

Signs and Symptoms of Dyspraxia

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of dyspraxia is important because early intervention can make a world of difference in your child’s developmental journey and self-esteem. These symptoms often start in the early stages of a child’s development, but they can be easy to miss until the child is older. Common signs of dyspraxia can include:

  • Poor coordination and balance
  • Difficulty with fine motor skills like writing or buttoning clothes
  • Trouble with tasks requiring planning and organization
  • Limited spatial awareness, often clumsy or accident prone
  • Low self-esteem or embarrassment
  • Difficulty following instructions
  • Struggles with sports or physical games like riding a bike
  • Trouble walking up and down stairs
  • Frustration or reluctance to engage in physical activities

How Pediatric Therapy Helps Children with Dyspraxia

At Sensational Development, our pediatric therapists conduct thorough evaluations to understand the specific challenges your child is facing. Our approach combines occupational therapy and sensory integration therapy as needed to create a personalized intervention for your child’s needs.  Our goal is to empower your child to overcome their motor skill challenges, improve their independence, and build their confidence. Through comprehensive therapy plans, we help children with dyspraxia gain the skills they need to handle daily tasks with ease. 

Schedule an Appointment Today

If your child is showing signs of dyspraxia, we can help. Call Sensational Development at (516) 799-2900 to schedule an evaluation today and find out how our experienced pediatric therapists can help your child achieve their developmental goals. When we work together, we can empower your child to achieve a sensational future.